Ultra Consulting, LLC is a full-service environmental consulting firm located in south Louisiana.

At Ultra, meeting our clients’ environmental needs and exceeding their expectations is what we do best. With an experienced staff of environmental professionals, Ultra helps clients resolve challenges and maintain compliance with federal and state environmental policies. Ultra’s commitment is to provide our clients with superior work at reasonable rates. That’s the Ultra difference.


Ultra Consulting, LLC
PO Box 80501
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70898

Email:  Contact@UltraEnvironmental.com
Phone:  225.907.7512
Fax:  800.871.3981

NNSR and PSD Air Permitting
Title V and State Air Permitting
Title V Compliance and Reporting
Compliance Assurance and Auditing
Regulatory Applicability Analysis
Environmental Reporting
Emissions Inventory
Compliance Database Development, Design, and Implementation
Environmental Site Assessments
LPDES Permitting
RCRA Permitting
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plans (SPCC)
Facility Response Plans
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)




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Ultra Environmental Consulting is full-service environmental consulting firm located in Baton Rouge, LA (Louisiana), servicing clients in Mobile, AL, New Orleans, LA, Lafayette, LA, Lake Charles, LA, and Houston, TX (Texas).

All material on this web site is copyright 2009 by Ultra Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved. If you would like to copy material from this web site for use in any printed or electronic media, please ask for permission first.